In the Auto Tier series, Sean Smuda explores problems and solutions for the tense relationship between nature and the mechanistic cultural landscapes shaped by humans. He combines anatomical formations with construction plans and shows the analogies between living beings and industrial products. In Himmelfahrt, the contours of a wolf-like coyote and a VW Beetle are superimposed. Like Tiravanija and Vu, the work also refers to Beuys' "I like America and America likes me" and combines it with Chris Burden's performance Trans-Fixed - the crucifixion of the artist on the hood of a VW Beetle. Smuda's work evokes the adaptability of the animal and contrasts it with contradictory human characteristics such as dominance and selflessness. A tablecloth from the former GDR serves as a picture support, which, mounted with nails, alludes to the material and historical conditions that shape our image of man and our understanding of nature.