Architecture, Immateriality, Painting WIP in convo, Dakar, May 2024
Performance Chez-Toi Design, Partcours 12, Dakar, Senegal
December 8, 2023
Dakar, SN, 2024
painting interviews, Berlin
In Senegal, the Pec is a communal, sacred space that grows around the Baobab tree. The increasing rarity of this in the city is discussed with art as a possible integration of technology and nature to create a similar space. Nov, 2023
Performance sand drawing, Dakar>Berlin
Sand Dog, washed in waters of two continents.
135 x 85 cm
mixed media on felt
The Berlin Coronnale is a map of the psycho-spatial effects of the COVID isolation, where one could go in public and what possible directions and interactions this new world held. For the first forty days of lockdown in Berlin, a daily performance video was made with improvised songs and movement as though Life depended on it.
Jazz Funeral for my home lost in a fire, May 27, 2018.
GPS is based on a dream about Stephen Hawking and re-writing the EU Constitution. It embodies interactions between analog and digital, individual and State. Differences between them are and their averaging determine and control consumer and political behavior.
Universal Capital (performance excerpts)
HD video, 2’52”