
Blueprints are future memory machines, transports, events, apparitions that bridge environment and religious, industrial, political response to it. Sublime, entropic relationships of use-value and natural production. They are a summation of all I knew and didn’t know about the world: clichés, dreams, family stories, all went into the poems that entitle each piece and are embedded in them. From Esperanto to Ojibwe, seventeen languages in all; the process of translation informs the imagery after the fact.
archival pigment prints on aluminum, 2007 - 2011
번호 크 런칭으로 하늘을 청소하면 바다가 피 (한국) 보관 안료 및 아크릴을 태우는 동안 은퇴 운동이 중단되고 2010 년
Cleaning up Heaven with number crunching
holds retirement exercises at a standstill
while the ocean burns blood
archival pigment print
الفجر، الأنى الأدنى يعيد تشكيل هندسة مستقبل في الحاجة إليه.مؤامرة تبادل الحرف بين العصابات قاسية ضد مسيرات الحب 2011
Phosphorous signatures, fusion centers, investigative protestors
At the global market stray bullets are recycled for geometry-of-need futures Where conspiracy gangsters exchange blunts against love vigils
archival pigment print
Die afkoeling matrix flappe dit vlerke in alle rigtings soos die kringloop stad skrape 'n moeder-of-god nietig in 'n tuin van diere byt sterte, 2010
The cooling matrix flaps its wings in all directions as
the recycling city scratches the void from
yards of animals biting tails
archival pigment print
Droimneach bolláin ar bharr ríochas teagasc na páistí déan i ciorcal, 2010
Rolling boulders on royalty
teaches children to sing and dance
in a constant loop
archival pigment print
Ragazza blu, lasciare il fiume congelate e sposare mi, presa mi dalle sorgenti alla bocca, io sono tuo perché non teatro può tenere (per SR), 2010
Sad girl, leave the frozen river and marry me
Take me from the headwaters to the mouth,
I am yours because no theater can hold us
archival pigment print
Wayaabishkiiwed akwaandawebizo ajidin aapijishin, 2010
White Man goes up fast
Holds it upside down
Falls hard
archival pigment print
Glimt og hjertet eksploderer, polarisere til ukjente kart, det sperrer inne hjernen, 2009
Blink and the heart explodes
Polarized to maps
That erase the past
archival pigment print
壊滅させられた自己が制御と名声を入れます、それが落ちる(とき・から・につれて・ように)それが再びそれ自身に会うまで、世界がエッジにおいて汚れます 2009
Obliterated self lets in control and fame
As it falls, the world blurs at the edges
Until it meets itself again
archival pigment print
Obrazy i zaniku traci sens, tylko ruch kamery posiada odsetek, w samym centrum burzy, 2008
Images fade and lose meaning
Only camera movement holds attention
In the center of the storm
archival pigment print
Существует орган в местах, угнетению угнетателей, постепенно растет во всем мире, смеется, ясли, 2008
There is a body in the ground
Oppressing the oppressors
Slowly rising everywhere
Laughing in a crib
archival pigment print
Lub sij hawm dau los lawm zuiz, los lus yuav tsum loov mus, qhib lub tawb tsau dab, taug tus dej ntawm peb ibsab, 2008
Recycling words buys time
to open cages for ghosts
to walk the river beside us
archival pigment print
Mi coche, su coche, mi identidad, su indetidad, en Berlin, Tokio, Nuevo Yorque, Londres, evolución ya basta, y mas, ya basta, ya mas..., 2008
My car, your car, my identity, your identity,
In New York, London, Paris, Mexico City, Tokyo
Evolution, no more, and more, no more, and more…
archival pigment print
Wirt deinen Kopf an die Sonne, zum den Friedhofsgarten zü befruchten, in der Stadt in der du stehst, 2007
Throw your head at the sun
To fertilize the graveyard garden
In the city where you stand
archival pigment print
Sky bivouac
Hubris tour
Drop ceiling
archival pigment print
J’ai gonflé mes amis avec des biscuits de beurre des cachouètes remplis d’hélium pour voir le monde, 2007
I inflated my friends with helium filled peanut butter cookies to see the world (French)
archival pigment print
Butterfly wheel
Soaring heart
No pollution
archival pigment print
portfolio, archival pigment on aluminum, 13" x 19", edition of twenty, 2011, collection of the Walker Art Center
portfolio, archival pigment on aluminum, 13" x 19", edition of twenty, 2011, collection of the Walker Art Center
portfolio, archival pigment on aluminum, 13" x 19", edition of twenty, 2011, collection of the Walker Art Center
portfolio, archival pigment on aluminum, 13" x 19", edition of twenty, 2011, collection of the Walker Art Center
portfolio, archival pigment on aluminum, 13" x 19", edition of twenty, 2011, collection of the Walker Art Center
Clockwork Harmony,
Origin and end myths, possession, sacrifice, feeling,
Bugout or go to jail
Clockwork Harmonio,
Origino kaj fino mitoj, posedo, bucxoferon emocio,
Bugout aŭ iri al malliberejo